Safety & Leadership rock at Cedep
Fontainebleau | Cedep flagship Programme | Safety & Leadership | Developed & pioneered by the famous Sam Abadir, this very specific...

How to Engage & Lead a Scientific Organisation when Logic is not enough...
Lyon | Université Mérieux | Lead to Engage | Top scientists are also top leaders. And when it comes to change and adapting to the New...

Semences de France, inVIVO. Penser différemment pour affronter l'incertitude...
Montpellier | Semences de France | Faire Toujours Plus de la Même Chose Tue | Semences de France est le leader des semences certifiées...

Danone Campus in Guangzhou Focus on Innovation...
Danone Campus China in Guangzhou | Design Thinking & Communicate to Engage | Fast moving company, Danone develops leadership through...

Soiree cinéma AFCI. Lost in Management avec François Dupuy...
Paris | Association Française de la Communication Interne | Lost in Management | Créée en 1989, cette association qui regroupe les...

Transformation & Design Thinking in the Fontainebleau Forest...
Fontainebleau | Achieving Managerial Excellence | Cedep’s Inter-company Flagship Programme | Transformation at Work & Design Thinking | A...

Chantilly | Total | Managing Experience | Senior leaders at Total are operating in a highly complex, uncertain and fast changing world,...